ELSEVIER The Clinical Placement An Essential Guide For Nursing Students 4Th Edition by Sharon Bourgeois and Tracy Levett-Jones and Kerry Reid-Searl
With a focus on preparation, expectations and how to think, act and communicate, The Clinical Placement: An essential guide for nursing students, 4th edition, is a valuable guide and companion for nursing students undertaking clinical placements. Written by Tracy Levett-Jones, Kerry Reid-Searl and Sharon Bourgeois, this 'must read' book provides insights into the real world of practice, practical strategies for dealing with difficult and challenging situations, and a wealth of ideas to maximise learning and professional growth. The Clinical Placement is supported by an engaging series of videos. These 'Insights from Experts' feature nurses from a diverse range of clinical practice areas who share insights, advice, challenges and opportunities for learning in a range of clinical settings.
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