CBS PUBLICATION Textbook Of Physiology For Dental Students 3E by Marya RK Marya CM
This edition presents a thoroughly revised, updated and rewritten text, bringing it completely up?to-date for the dental students.The book remains short, but provides soundbasis for understanding the situations the would be dentist shall face as a clinician.All important topics in Sections ll (Blood), lll (Heart), IV (Circulation), V (Respiration), VI (Nerve and Muscle), VII (Central Nervous System), lX (Gastrointestinal Tract), X(Metabolism and Nutrition),Xl (Endocrines) and Xlll (Kidney) have been rewritten with a view to highlight the clinical basis.In this edition, a large number of illustrations have been replaced and many are new. Twenty colour figures have been given in the form of colour plates to lend greater depth to the understanding of many topics. In spite of all these additions and changes, this edition of the book retains its haIlmark brevity and simplicity of presentation, to serve as a concise text for the students of dental sciences.