Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook Of Microbiology For Nursing Students 2Nd Edition by RAO
At present many known pathogens causing infections in humans both in the hospital and at the level of community are showing increasing resistance to various antibiotics including the Penicillins and Cephalosporins. Apart from increasing resistance new organisms are emerging as pathogens which were earlier considered as commensals or harmless microorganisms. Therefore it is becoming more important to take adequate steps to prevent or control the infection rather than treating it after getting established. Infection control committee is playing an important role in many hospitals. Keeping in view of these changing trends and also taking into the consideration of experts’ constructive comments on the first edition of this book it has been decided to revise the Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Students by expanding its frontiers by including more information to the existing one. Accordingly several topics have been expanded or introduced freshly.
Key Features:-
- A ready reckoner book
- Deals with vital information on the proper collection and transportation of clinical specimens for m
- Simplifies the discussion on the morphology culture characters biochemical reactions complex antigen
- Provides a strong foundation on basic principles of microbial pathogenicity host response sterile as
- Useful for paramedical technical staff in their practical examination or viva voce as well as for th