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Sustainable Sanitation Experiences Challenges and Innovations at Meripustak

Sustainable Sanitation Experiences Challenges and Innovations by Hans V Basil, Rawat Publications

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hans V Basil
    PublisherRawat Publications
    Publish YearJanuary 2023


    Rawat Publications Sustainable Sanitation Experiences Challenges and Innovations by Hans V Basil

    Sustainable Sanitation: Experiences, Challenges and Innovations is a unique collection of articles by scholars from myriad disciplines.It is another useful addition to the publications on sanitation. There are 17 articles analyzing different aspects of sanitation in the Indian context. Interestingly, more focus is on management of sanitation in rural situations, and ‘education and sanitation’, which are more relevant in the Indian context.As India is witnessing rapid urbanization, the provision of safe sanitation remains crucial. It is estimated that large proportion of urban dwellers lack access to toilets that provide a full sanitation service chain, including containment, treatment, and end-use treatment and disposal. In the recent years, Government of India has taken sanitation on priority through and several other related planned programmes. These developments indicate that the need for sustainable sanitation has now gained substantial momentum in India.We sincerely hope that this book will be useful to academicians, researchers and policy-makers in more than one way.

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