Anshan Ltd Step By Step Tubo-Uterine Factors In Infertility by Surveen Ghumman , Contributions by Gautam Allahabadia
This book attempts to roadmap the latest therapies for the practising infertility specialist, defining their current relevance to diagnosis and treatment, by means of simplified, easy to follow protocols. As well as giving practical guidance, it also refers to the latest research available in the field. A comprehensive classification, investigation and management of all tubo-uterine factors causing infertility, have been presented in the book and the accompanying free DVD-Rom.The contents of the DVD-Rom include demonstrations of the technique of endoscopic management of endometrioma, ectopic pregnancy, myoma, intrauterine adhesions, tubal and peritubal pathologies.The purpose of the book is to describe and demonstrate modern approaches to the management of infertility in the context of solid theory, evidence based therapy and recent advances in research. It will be an invaluable reference for all trainee and practising infertility specialists, and will help them achieve their desired goal - a successful pregnancy in all patients. Table of contents : 1. Evaluation of Uterine Cavity and Endometrium 2. Tests for Evaluation of Tubal Structure and Function 3. Fibroid 4. Endoscopic Management of Fibroid 5. Uterine Anomalies 6. Intrauterine Adhesions 7. Hysteroscopic Infertility Surgery 8. Tubal Reconstructive Surgery 9. Laparoscopic Surgery for Tubal and Peritubal Pathlogy in Infertility 10. Laparoscopic Tubal Anastomosis 11. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease DVD Contents:Technique of endoscopic management of endometrioma, ectopic pregnancy, myoma, intrauterine adhesions, tubal and peritubal pathologies About Surveen Ghumman : Surveen GhummanWardhman Mahavir Medical College, Delhi, India