ELSEVIER Soil Magnetism 1St Edition by Neli Jordanova
Soil Magnetism: Applications in Pedology, Environmental Science and Agriculture provides a systematic, comparative, and detailed overview of the magnetic characterization of the major soil units and the observed general relationships, possibilities, and perspectives in application of rock magnetic methods in soil science, agriculture, and beyond.
Part I covers detailed magnetic and geochemical characterization of major soil types according to the FAO classification system, with Part II covering the mapping of topsoil magnetic signatures on the basis of soil magnetic characteristics. The book concludes with practical examples on the application of magnetic methods in environmental science, agriculture, soil pollution, and paleoclimate.
Key Features:
Provides an overview of the major findings of uncontaminated soil profiles and proposes a system of magnetic characteristics
Elucidates the relationship between geochemical and magnetic characteristics of different soil types, providing a basis for wider recognition and application of soil magnetism in classical pedagogical characterization of soils
Covers the peculiarities of the main taxonomic soil groups in terms of magnetic mineralogy and depth variations in concentration, grain size, and phase composition of iron oxides
Soil scientists and geophysists specializing in rock and mineral magnetic methods of investigation of natural materials
About the Author:
Neli Jordanova
Neli Jordanova graduated with a degree in geophysics and obtained her PhD at Faculty of Physics of Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”. Since 1996 she has worked at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and presently she is a Professor there. She was awarded the degree “Doctor of Science” in 2015, based on her dissertation on magnetic properties of soils in Bulgaria. N. Jordanova’s research interests cover different aspects of environmental magnetism and archaeomagnetism, such as exploring the link between magnetic properties of different types of soils and pedogenic processes, inherent to each of them; application of this knowledge to reveal the magnetic signature of anthropogenic pollution of soils and sediments; elucidating the influence of fire on magnetic properties of clays and soils and related effects on archeological materials of burnt clay.
Affiliations and Expertise
Associate Professor, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences