John Wiley Signal Processing for Industrial Diagnostics 1996 Edition by T.J. Ledwidge, Etc.
The rapid growth in measurement technology has been matched by a correspondingly rapid growth in computer and digital signal processing technology and the availability of increasingly sophisticated software-based analysis tools. This study establishes the basic theoretical concepts of signal processing and industrial diagnostics, defining the classes of processes commonly encountered. Since industrial processes are predominantly multivariate in their dynamic behaviour, the book focuses on the multivariate analysis of process signals. The second section of the text gives some practical data analysis exercises, utilizing the theoretical concepts introduced in the preceding chapters. These are supplemented by recent case studies from both energy intensive and energy extensive processes. Table of contents : - PART ONE - INTRODUCTION AND THEORETICAL CONCEPTS: An Overview Basic Theoretical Relationships Sampled Data Processes and Signal Conditioning Bivariate Process Analysis Multivariate Process Analysis Analysis of Closed Loop Procedures Parametric Spectral Analysis PART TWO - APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES: Practical Data Analysis Exercises Sample Case Studies of Practical Applications.