Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Shnider And Levinsons Anesthesia For Obstetrics by Suresh
Now in a fully updated Fifth Edition, Shnider and Levinson's Anesthesia for Obstetrics, continues to provide the comprehensive coverage that has made it the leading reference in the field. The rising number of Cesarean births and the more advanced age of first-time mothers in the United States have brought with them an increased risk for complications, making the role of the obstetric anesthesiologist increasingly important.
Key Features:-
- Maternal and Fetal Physiology builds your understanding of placental transfer of drugs.
- Fetal Assessment covers the basics of antenatal assessment and intrapartum monitoring.
- Anesthesia and Analgesia addresses the anesthetic considerations of vaginal and Cesarean delivery.
- Neonatal Well-Being—including neonatal resuscitation and neonatal injury.
- Management of Obstetric Complications helps minimize the risks posed by abnormal positioning, intrap
- Management of Anesthetic Complications addresses the special problems related to obstetric anesthesi