Pearson Principles Of Sedimentology And Stratigraphy 5Th Edition by Sam Boggs
This concise treatment of the fundamental principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy highlights the important physical, chemical, biological and stratigraphic characteristics of sedimentary rocks. It emphasizes the ways in which the study of sedimentary rocks is used to interpret depositional environments, changes in ancient sea level, and other intriguing aspects of Earth's history.
Salient Features
" Comprehensive yet concise coverage of all aspects of sedimentology and stratigraphy enables students to obtain complete information on both topics without purchasing additional texts.
• Current coverage of important topics and recent findings saves instructors time by eliminating the need for supplementary materials.
• Numerous illustrations, photos, and diagrams throughout the text provide students with visual representation of concepts to help their understanding.
• Extensive references provide students with the most authoritative sources available to conduct in-depth research projects, further investigations, and term papers.
• Additional readings at the end of each chapter encourage students to conduct further investigations outside of the classroom.
• Photomicrographs provide students with essential visual references for understanding the makeup of sedimentary rocks at the microscopic scale.