WILEY INDIA Practical Statistics For Geographers And Earth Scientists by Nigel Walford
Practical Statistics for Geographers and Earth Scientists provides an introductory guide to the principles and application of statistical analysis in context. This book helps students to gain the level of competence in statistical procedures necessary for independent investigations, field-work and other projects. The aim is to explain statistical techniques using data relating to relevant geographical, geospatial, earth and environmental science examples, employing graphics as well as mathematical notation for maximum clarity.
Section 1 First principles
1 What's in a number?
1.1 Introduction to quantitative analysis
1.2 Nature of numerical data
1.3 Simplifying mathematical notation
1.4 Introduction to case studies and structure of the book
2 Geographical data: quantity and content
2.1 Geographical data
2.2 Populations and samples
2.3 Specifying attributes and variables
3 Geographical data: collection and acquisition
3.1 Originating data
3.2 Collection methods
3.3 Locating phenomena in geographical space
4 Statistical measures (or quantities)
4.1 Descriptive statistics
4.2 Spatial descriptive statistics
4.3 Central tendency
4.4 Dispersion
4.5 Measures of skewness and kurtosis for nonspatial data
4.6 Closing comments
5 Frequency distributions, probability and hypotheses
5.1 Frequency distributions
5.2 Bivariate and multivariate frequency distributions
5.3 Estimation of statistics from frequency distributions
5.4 Probability
5.5 Inference and hypotheses
5.6 Connecting summary measures, frequency distributions and probability
Section 2 Testing times
6 Parametric tests
6.1 Introduction to parametric tests
6.2 One variable and one sample
6.3 Two samples and one variable
6.4 Three or more samples and one variable
6.5 Confidence intervals
6.6 Closing comments
7 Nonparametric tests
7.1 Introduction to nonparametric tests
7.2 One variable and one sample
7.3 Two samples and one (or more) variable(s)
7.4 Multiple samples and / or multiple variables
7.5 Closing comments
Section 3 Forming relationships
8 Correlation
8.1 Nature of relationships between variables
8.2 Correlation techniques
8.3 Concluding remarks
9 Regression
9.1 Specification of linear relationships
9.2 Bivariate regression
9.3 Concluding remarks
10 Correlation and regression of spatial data
10.1 Issues with correlation and regression of spatial data
10.2 Spatial and temporal autocorrelation
10.3 Trend surface analysis
10.4 Concluding remarks
Further Reading
Plate section: Statistical Analysis Planner and Checklist falls between pages 172 and 173