Wolters Kluwer Padhuka Students Guide On Financial Reporting For Ca Final New Syllabus by CA B Saravana Prasath and CA G Sekar
The New Edition of Students’ Guide on Financial Reporting — For CA Final Course, comes with a Refreshing style and presentation, with the following special features
Complete Coverage of the CA Final Financial Reporting New Syllabus
Effective Coverage of all Ind AS principles along with Numerical and Concept Illustrations
Content Update on Schedule III with Practical Questions and Presentation Guidelines
Coverage of Guidance Notes on Accounting Matters, issued by the ICAI, as per Syllabus
Use of Diagrams, Tables and Flowcharts for higher clarity of concepts
Solved Illustrations as guidance to the Student on how to present answers in Professional Exams
The Authors wish to state certain key aspects to assist Students in their preparation
Accounting is an art, and confidence can be gained by ‘practicing’ reasonable number of” Illustrations in every area with full in involvement. Mere reading as to how a question is solved in The Textbook will not be sufficient.
Procedure I Principle for treating specific items, e.g. elimination of unrealised profits in Consolidation process, etc. should be ‘remembered’. In any question, the procedure I principle Remains the same, only numbers differ. Good Memory of Principles is starting point for better Control and grasp over the concepts
In areas like Amalgamation, Consolidation, etc. “adjustments” arc made to two tallied Balance Sheets. If Debit and Credit Principles are taken care of and considered properly, the final I Revised Balance Sheet can be easily drawn. There is no question of Balance Sheet not tallying, etc
Reasonable Assumptions (within the scope of the question) can be made in appropriate situations, And it is not necessary to re-solve the question under the alternative assumption in all cases
Table of Contents:
1. Financial Statements under Schedule III
2. Ind AS Applicability and Framework
3. Ind AS – General; Financial Statement Matters
4. Ind AS – Assets; Liabilities – General Items
5. Ind AS Assets; Liabilities. – Special Items
6. Ind AS Income; Expense Items
7. Ind AS- Financial Statements …. Others
8. lnd AS- For Specific Areas; Items
9. Ind AS – Business Combinations
10. Consolidated Financial Statements
11. Ind AS – Financial Instruments
12. lnd AS-102: Share Based Payments
13. Developments in Accounting
14. Value Added Statement
15. Human Resource Accounting
16. Accounting for E Commerce Business
17. Accounting for Carbon Credits
18. Integrated Reporting
19. Notified Accounting Standards
20. A. Notified AS; Existing AS.. Principles Summary
21. AS 15 .. Employee Benefits
22. AS 25 ,-Interim Financial Reporting
23. AS 28 .. Impairment of Assets
24. Comparison between lnd AS & Notified AS
25. Guidance Note Oil Accounting Matters