Kluwer Academic Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Theory And Applications Of Ofdm 1999 Edition by Ahmad Bahai, Burton R. Saltzberg
Multi-carrier modulation, in particular orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), has been successfully applied to a wide variety of digital communications applications. Although OFDM has been chosen as the physical layer standard for a diversity of important systems, the theory, algorithms, and implementation techniques remain subjects of current interest. This book is intended to be a concise summary of the present state of the art of the theory and practice of OFDM technology. It offers a unified presentation of OFDM theory and high speed and wireless applications. In particular, ADSL, wireless LAN, and digital broadcasting technologies are explained. It is hoped that this book will prove valuable both to developers of such systems, and to researchers and graduate students involved in analysis of digital communications. Table of contents : Preface. 1. Introduction to Digital Communications. 2. System Architecture. 3. Performance over Time-Invariant Channels. 4. Clipping in Multi-Carriers Systems.