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Motivational Interviewing For Healthier Lifestyles 2017 Edition at Meripustak

Motivational Interviewing For Healthier Lifestyles 2017 Edition by Carla Veiga Rodrigues, Ana Beatriz Figueiredo, Sara Rocha , Editions Universitaires

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General Information  
Author(s)Carla Veiga Rodrigues, Ana Beatriz Figueiredo, Sara Rocha
PublisherEditions Universitaires
Language English
Publish YearMarch 2017


Editions Universitaires Motivational Interviewing For Healthier Lifestyles 2017 Edition by Carla Veiga Rodrigues, Ana Beatriz Figueiredo, Sara Rocha

This book was born from our passion to help our patients be their better selves. To them, our most sincere appreciation. As medical students, we started believing that our nicest and more responsive patients would be the ones inspiring us to be great at what we do. We now know that to be wrong, as we soon discovered that the demanding and difficult patients were the ones pushing us through. They are the ones that make us study harder and invest more effort into their health. Our mentors were highly influential in this process. We would like to thank them for teaching us the importance of listening and believing every patient as something to teach us. And most of all, for fuelling our ambitions and dreams with endearment. Last but not least to our families and life partners. To you, who manage to support our insecurities and doubts with affection, who celebrate our best moments and guide us through the wilderness of our biggest adventure so far, writing a book! Our preface was written by Professor Stephen Rollnick, one of the 'founding fathers' of Motivational Interview. To him, our deepest gratitude for being so kind and helpfull, and mostly for inspiring our work.

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