Arya Publishing Company Microbiology in Nutshell 4th Edition by V Baveja and C P Baveja
The book has been prepared according to the Revised Competency Based NMC Curriculum.
The book consists of eight units namely General Microbiology, Immunology, Clinical and Applied
Microbiology, Parasitology, Systemic Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology and Microbiology at a Glance.
This book has many student-friendly features, some of them are:
Concise and comprehensive.
The language is easy to understand.
Point-wise explanation for quick recapitulation.
Colour plates/diagrams and tables have been incorporated to provide useful information at a glance.
Clinical infective syndromes have been included in specific chapters.
Separate chapters on Ethics, Confidentiality and National Health Programmes have been incorporated.
COVID-19 has been included to understand the most catastrophic disease in the world.
Clinical Case Presentations have been added in various chapters to help students understand the
integrated learning approach.
Clinical significance emphasizes the role of microbiology in patient care.
A chapter on 'Essentials of Microbiology at Glance' has been added to recapitulate the important aspects of Microbiology in no time.