Delhi Law House Mehrotra B.N.S : Law Of Defamation, Damages, Malicious Prosecution Alongwith Pre-Trial Media Publications And Parliamentary Privileges, 7Th Updated Edn. by Mehrotra B N
In this edition contents have been recast and enlarged with the modern requirements of the law in hand. This edition is a detail, critical and up to date presentation of the subject concerned and has been thoroughly re-examined in the light of latest judicial pronouncements. Apart from this the author gave extensive coverage to mass media and cyber defamation etc. in chapter forms.
The Law of defemation protects reputation of individuals by holding liable any one who wrongfully impairs his reputation. As per McGregor, damages are the pecunairy compensation, obtainable by success is an action, for a wrong. Instant edition is rather a new book in new form than that of a new edition, because the contents having been recast and enlarged with modern requirenments of the law in hand. So for so, the revised edition is a detail, critical and up-to-date presentation of the subject concerned, and has been throughly re-examined in the light of latest judicial pronouncements. Apart from this we have given extensive, coverage to mass media, and cyber defamation etc., in chapter forms. Two new units i.e "Pre-Trial Media Publications" and Parliamentary privilges have also been annexed.