Cengage Managerial Decision Modeling by Cliff T Ragsdale
Cliff Ragsdale is an innovator of the spreadsheet teaching revolution and is highly regarded in the field of management science. The sixth edition of MANAGERIAL DECISION MODELING, 6e, International Edition retains the elements and philosophy that has made its past editions so successful. This version of MANAGERIAL DECISION MODELING, 6e, International Edition has been updated for use with Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) 2010. It provides succinct instruction in the most commonly used management science techniques and shows how these tools can be implemented using the most current version of Excel(R) for Windows. This text also focuses on developing both algebraic and spreadsheet modeling skills. Risk Solver Platform replaces Crystal Ball in the sixth edition. Risk Solver Platform includes all of the capabilities of Risk Solver for risk analysis and Monte Carlo simulation, all of the capabilities of Premium solver Platform for optimization, and new capabilities for finding robust optimal decisions using simulation, optimization, stochastic programming, and robust optimization methods.