In Easy Steps Limited Laptops For Seniors In Easy Steps 8Th Ed by Vandome
Laptops are an excellent optionfor seniors: they can be used anywhere, and with wireless technology, to surfthe web and to keep in touch. This 8th edition of Laptops forSeniors in easy steps will help you get started and then showyou how to get more from Windows 11: Master the new Windows 11interface. Explore apps for fun and forfunctional tasks. Use MS Teams for videochatting with friends and family, and those essential contacts. Set widgets of interest andstay up-to-date. Enjoy online shopping, watchingmovies and TV, editing and sharing photos, and more. Share your laptop withoutgiving up privacy. Learn the new computer healthcheck options and keep your laptop in tiptop condition. Even shows how to avoidergonomic injuries while using your laptop so that you can enjoy your newlaptop for a long time!show more