Lexis Nexis Judicial Control Of Administrative Action 3Rd Edition 2016 by Justice B P Banerjee
Key Highlights
• Comprehensive examination of the concept and practice of Judicial Review, branch of Administrative Law.
• Provides an insight into the developments in administrative law in India.
• Thoroughly updated and revised edition with coherent overview of recent judicial developments.
• Examines the scope, extent and limitations on exercise of power of judicial review in India and foreign jurisdictions including the US, UK, and New Zealand.
• Incorporates all significant judicial decisions in India and other foreign jurisdictions.
• Arranged thematically, the book discusses several key aspects across 22 chapters including:
(i) Scope of powers of the Court under Articles 32 and 226
(ii) Public Interest Litigation
(iii) Judicial Activism in India
(iv) Limitations on Judicial Review
• Explains the writs available under the Indian Constitution, i.e., habeas corpus, certiorari, mandamus, prohibition and quowarranto, as well as foreign writs.
• Extensive discussion on cases relating to constitutional rights are arranged neatly under sub-headings
• A Standard reference for Legal practitioners, Law firms, Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, Members of Central Administrative Tribunal and State Administrative Tribunals, Judicial Academies , Bar Associati ons, Government companies, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Academicians and researchers, Libraries at law colleges and universities