McGraw Hill Innovation Secrets Of Steve Job by Gallo and Carmine
The Innovation Secrets Of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles For Breakthrough Success, published in 2010, is based on the seven guiding principles of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The book is inspired by his unique presentations, and it presents a step-by-step program about the tools and techniques that were used by the CEO. Apple’s tagline “Think Different”, was Steve Jobs’s way of life, and he ensured that Apple followed it too. This book tells readers about how he started a company in a spare room in his family’s house, and then got fired. The Innovation Secrets Of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles For Breakthrough Success is divided into seven parts, each one named after a principle. Kick-Start Your Brain encourages readers to seek out new experiences and make changes in one’s thinking patterns. The second principle, Put a Dent in the Universe, contains chapters such as Inspire Evangelists and Think Differently About Your Vision. Say No to 1,000 Things focuses on the importance of simplicity when designing products. In Sell Dreams, Not Products, the author emphasizes on taking a new approach with one’s customers, and to see genius in craziness. Do What You Love urges one to follow his or her heart, and to think differently about their career. The sixth principle speaks about creating insanely great experiences, and the seventh one showcases how to convey messages differently. The book also contains two additional chapters, one of which is What Would Steve Do? The other one is titled, One More Thing, Don’t Let the Bozos Get You Down. The Innovation Secrets Of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles For Breakthrough Success has been written after extensive research by the author.