Wolters Kluwer Ind As A Ready Reckoner Second Edition December 2019 by Kamal Garg
About the book:
This book will serve as a ready referencer for various professionals including Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants, Company Secretaries, MBAs and others involved, directly or indirectly, in the preparation and presentation of Ind AS compliant financial statements.
This book is equipped with the following features:
Road map to Ind AS
Summary of all Ind AS including Ind AS 115 on Revenue from Contracts with Customers
Checklist of presentation and disclosure requirements applicable to entities preparing financial statements in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as issued at 31 March 2018
Basic and Comprehensive numerical illustrations to get the depth of Ind AS
Key points summarising theme of each Ind AS
Disclosure Checklist of each Ind AS
Disclosure Requirements under Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013
Summary of Opinions from ITFG Bulletins on critical issues
Book Profit Computation for Levy of MAT for Ind AS Compliant Companies, including FAQs
Specimen Ind AS Financial Statements