Elsevier Science Incompressible Flow Turbomachines: Design, Selection, Applications, And Theory by Round G F
The modern world would cease to function without turbomachines. Pumps and electric motors are the most common machines in the world, used in every industry where a product is either manufactured or processed. Incompressible Flow Turbomachines is a comprehensive treatment of these, and many other types of equipment, for industrial applications, also covering the design, selection, and theory of these complicated machines. Industrial engineers, chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, technicians, and designers working with hydraulic turbomachines will all ???nd the information in this volume valuable for their day-to-day needs on the job. Whether on the shop ???oor or on the design table, this book will help the engineer, in whatever industry, to understand and apply the complicated workings of incompressible ???ow turbomachines.