Cengage Healing Massage A Simple Approach by Walker
Providing a massage for healing and well being can be one of the most therapeutic things you offer someone. With the help of this book, you'll learn a series of brief message routines including a one-minute foot massage, a three-minute shoulder rub, plus short routines using lotion for back, shoulders, neck and feet. Step-by-step and visual instructions help you master the techniques. The focus is on massage scenarios that can be realistically incorporated into a busy schedule. The authors address the role that message can play in facilitating well-being and healing, and offer explanations for the links between thoughts, feelings, and stress, and how they affect body tension. massage is discuss for patients with a variety of health conditions. Key features: * Focuses on brief, effective massages * Detailed photographs and diagrams show close up techniques * Places healing massage in context of health and well-being * Step-by-step and visual instructions * Written in conversational tone (holistic nursing, CAM, alternative medicine, complementary medicine, nursing)