McGraw Hill Handbook Of Analytical Instruments by R S Khandpur
Each chapter has been revisited, obsolete material deleted and new developments included at various places so that
the reader gets the best from the new edition. The new topics which have been included as separate chapters are:
Scanning Electron Microscope and Scanning Probe Microscope (Scanning Tunneling Microscope & Atomic Force
Microscope). Particle size analyzers play an important role in research and development and for quality control in many
industries such as pharmaceuticals, ceramics, cement, paints and emulsions etc. Realizing the need of the users in
these areas, a new chapter on Particle Size Analyzers and Counters has been included.
Key Features:-
- Coverage of modern trends in portable instrumentation.
- A new chapter on Particle Size Analysis.
- Better visual impact of graphs and photographs of latest commercial equipment.