Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook Of Applied Therapeutics 1999 Edition by Lloyd Y. Young
1. Thinking and Writing to Summarize. Choices in Thinking to Summarize.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking to Summarize.Design in Writing to Summarize.Readings for Summary Writing.Summarizing an Agriculture Reading.Contributions of Insects to Humanity, John R. Campbell and John F. Lasley. Summarizing a Biology Reading.Changing Conceptions of the Circulatory System, Michael C. Mix, Paul Farber, and Keith I. King.Summarizing a Philosophy Reading.Meditations on First Philosophy: In Which the Existence of God and the Distinction of the Soul from the Body Are Demonstrated, Rene Descartes.Summarizing an Economics Reading.The Costs of Unemployment, Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair.Summarizing a Science Reading.Gene Therapy, Bob Williamson.Summarizing a Literature Reading.A New England Nun, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman.2. Thinking and Writing by Serializing. Choices in Thinking by Serializing.Sample Paragraphs.Practice in Thinking by Serializing.Design in Writing to Serialize.Readings for Serializing.Serializing in Political Science.Birth of the National Environmental Policy Act, David V. Edwards.Serializing in Biology.The Discovery of DNA and Its Role in Living Organisms, Michael C. Mix, Paul Farber, and Keith I. King.Serializing in Economics.The Household Sector Since 1970, Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair.Serializing in Social Science.Socialization Across the Life Cycle, Joan Ferrante.Serializing in Anthropology.Conflicts and Benefits Theories, Edward Staski and Jonathan Marks.Serializing in History, Social Science, and Political Science.Women in American Politics, David V. Edwards Liberation Movements, James Kirby Martin, Randy Roberts, Steven. Mintz, et al. Making a Living versus Making a Home, Virginia Sapiro.3. Thinking and Writing by Defining. Choices in Thinking by Defining.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking by Defining.Design in Writing to Define.Readings for Definitions.Defining in Biology.The Forces of Change, Michael C. Mix, Paul Farber, and Keith I. King.Defining in English.The Family, Joan Ferrante.Defining in Social Science.Marriage Customs, Serena Nanda.Defining in a Music Course.Jazz, Jean Ferris What is Jazz, Mark C. Gridley.Defining in Health Science.Nursing Case Studies, Amy Fischer.4. Thinking and Writing by Comparing and Contrasting. Choices in Thinking by Comparing and Contrasting.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking by Comparing and Contrasting.Design in Writing to Compare and Contrast.Readings for Comparison and Contrast.Comparing and Contrasting Psychological and Sociological Approaches.Who Decides That a Particular Activity or Appearance is Deviant? Joan Ferrante Psychological Disorders, John G. Seamon and Douglas T. Kenrick.Comparing and Contrasting in Business Law.Intentional Torts and Negligence, Herbert M. Bohlman and Mary Jane Dundas.Comparing and Contrasting in Education.Schools of Philosophy and Their Influence on Education, James A. Johnson, et al.Comparing and Contrasting in Art and Literature.The Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh The Starry Night, Anne Sexton.Comparing and Contrasting in Geology.Mass Movement, Kenneth W. Hamblin.5. Thinking and Writing by Classifying. Choices in Thinking by Classifying.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking by Classifying.Design in Writing to Classify.Readings for Classification.Classifying in a Psychology Course.Major Theoretical Perspectives, John G. Seamon and Douglas T. Kenrick.Classifying Writing Types in Business.Are You the Write Type? Stephen Gladis.Classifying Poetry.Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood, William Cullen Bryant Each and All, Ralph Waldo Emerson From Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman Sonnet-To Science, Edgar Allan Poe Upon a Spider Catching a Fly, Edward Taylor 1551, Emily Dickinson As Weary Pilgrim, Anne Bradstreet.Classifying Accounts of the Earth's Origin from Several Sources Classifying in Anthropology and Biology.Grouping Humans: Racial Studies, Edward Staski and Jonathan Marks Development of the Binomial System of Nomenclature, Kingsley R. Stern.6. Thinking and Writing by Stating Causes and Effects. Choices in Thinking About Causes and Effects.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking About Causes and Effects.Design in Writing About Causes and Effects.Readings in Cause and Effect.Cause and Effect in Economics.The Labor Supply Decision, Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair.Cause and Effect in Anthropology.The Rise of Domestication: Theories, Edward Staski and Jonathan Marks The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race, Jared Diamond.Cause and Effect in History.Spanish and Indian America, James Kirby Martin "From Hell Itself" The Americanization of Mexico's Northern Frontier, David Weber.Cause and Effect in Literature.Story of an Hour, Kate Chopin.Cause and Effect in Mathematics.Social Choice: The Impossible Dream, Solomon Garfunkel.7. Thinking and Writing by Analyzing. Choices in Thinking by Analyzing.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking by Analyzing.Design in Writing to Analyze.Readings for Analysis.Analyzing in Political Science.American Political Culture, Donald Devine.Analyzing Your Career Goals.Give Yourself Permission to Pursue the Career You Really Want, Howard E. Figler.Analyzing a Sociological Phenomenon in Business.Bypassing in Managerial Communication, Jerry Sullivan, Naoki Kameda, Tatsuo Nobu Symbolic Interaction, Joan Ferrante.Analyzing a History of Religious Selection.Excerpts from the Torah, The Jewish Ethos, Niels C. Nielson, Jr., et al.Analyzing a Feminist History Selection.The Creation of Patriarchy, Gerda Lerner From the 21st Century Woman-Free at Last? Clare Booth Luce.Analyzing a Short Story.A & P, John Updike.8. Thinking and Writing by Synthesizing. Choices in Thinking by Synthesizing.Sample Paragraphs.Practice Thinking by Synthesizing.Design in Writing to Synthesize.Readings for Synthesis.Synthesizing Sources on Gender Issues.The Problem That Has No Name, Betty Friedan Ralph's Story, Warren Farrell.Synthesizing Sources on Genetic Engineering.New Genetic Technology: Prospects and Hazards, Jonathan King Limiting Science: A Biologist's Perspective, David Baltimore9. Thinking and Writing by Arguing. Choices in Thinking by Arguing.Argument.Sample Paragraphs.Practice in Writing to Argue.Design in Writing to Argue.Consensus Making.Readings for Argument and Consensus Making.Arguing from Sources on Gender Issues.Gender Roles, William H. Masters, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny Male and Female: Differences Between Them, Virginia Adams Blame In on Feminism, Susan Faludi Masculinity: Style and Cult, Harold Rosenberg.Arguing from Sources on Genetic Engineering.Designing Better Humans, Carol A. Foote.On Living in a Biological Revolution, Donald Fleming.Eugenics in America, Ted Howard and Jeremy Rifkin.Environmental Biotechnology, James A. Drake, David A. Kenny, and Timothy Voskuil.Genetic Engineering: Cornucopia or Pandora's Box? Michael W. Fox.