Taylor & Francis Ltd Fundamentals Of Machining And Machine Tools 3Rd Edition 2005 by Winston A. Knight, Geoffrey Boothroyd
In the more than 15 years since the second edition of Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools was published, the industry has seen many changes. Students must keep up with developments in analytical modeling of machining processes, modern cutting tool materials, and how these changes affect the economics of machining. With coverage reflecting state-of-the-art industry practice, Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools, Third Edition emphasizes underlying concepts, analytical methods, and economic considerations, requiring only basic mathematics and physics.This book thoroughly illustrates the causes of various phenomena and their effects on machining practice. The authors include several descriptions of modern analytical methods, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the various modeling approaches.What's New in the Third Edition?Recent advances in super-hard cutting tool materials, tool geometries, and surface coatingsAdvances in high-speed machining and hard machiningNew trends in cutting fluid applications, including dry and minimum-quantity lubrication machiningNew developments in tool geometries for chip breaking and chip controlImprovements in cost modeling of machining processes, including application to grinding processesSupplying abundant examples, illustrations, and homework problems, Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools, Third Edition is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying metal cutting, machining, machine tool technology, machining applications, and manufacturing processes. CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS BOOKStandardizationIntroduction to the International (SI) System of UnitsMACHINE TOOLS AND MACHINING OPERATIONSIntroductionGenerating Motions of Machine ToolsMachines Using Single-Point ToolsMachines Using Multipoint ToolsMachines Using Abrasive WheelsSummary of Machine Tool Characteristics and Machining EquationsProblemsReferencesMECHANICS OF METAL CUTTINGIntroductionTerms and DefinitionsChip FormationThe Forces Acting on the Cutting Tool and Their MeasurementSpecific Cutting EnergyPlowing Force and the "Size Effect"The Apparent Mean Shear Strength of the Work MaterialChip ThicknessFriction in Metal CuttingAnalytical Modeling of Machining OperationsProblemsReferencesTEMPERATURES IN METAL CUTTINGHeat Generation in Metal CuttingHeat Transfer in a Moving MaterialTemperature Distribution in Metal CuttingThe Measurement of Cutting TemperaturesProblemsReferencesTOOL LIFE AND TOOL MATERIALSIntroductionProgressive Tool WearForms of Wear in Metal CuttingThe Tool MaterialTool GeometriesThe Work MaterialHigh Speed MachiningHard MachiningProblemsReferencesCUTTING FLUIDS AND SURFACE ROUGHNESSCutting FluidsThe Action of CoolantsThe Action of LubricantsApplication of Cutting FluidsCutting Fluid MaintenanceEnvironmental ConsiderationsDisposal of Cutting FluidsDry Cutting and Minimum Quantity LubricationSurface RoughnessTool Geometries for Improved Surface FinishBurr Formation in MachiningProblemsReferencesECONOMICS OF METAL-CUTTING OPERATIONSIntroductionChoice of FeedChoice of Cutting SpeedTool Life for Minimum Cost and Minimum Production TimeEstimation of Factors Needed to Determine Optimum ConditionsExample of a Constant-Cutting-Speed OperationMachining at Maximum EfficiencyFacing OperationsOperations with Interrupted CutsEconomics of Various Tool Materials and Tool DesignsMachinability Data SystemsLimitations of Available Machinability DataProblemsReferencesNOMENCLATURE OF CUTTING TOOLSIntroductionSystems of Cutting-Tool NomenclatureInternational StandardProblemsReferencesCHIP CONTROLIntroductionChip BreakersPrediction of Radius of Chip CurvaturePrediction of Chip Breaking PerformanceTool Wear During Chip BreakingProblemsReferencesMACHINE TOOL VIBRATIONSIntroductionForced VibrationsSelf-Excited Vibrations (Chatter)Determination of Frequency Response LociDynamic Acceptance Tests for Machine ToolsImproving Machine Tool StabilityProblemsReferencesGRINDINGIntroductionThe Grinding WheelEffect of Grinding Conditions on Wheel BehaviorDetermination of the Density of Active GrainsTesting of Grinding WheelsDressing and Truing of Grinding WheelsAnalysis of the Grinding ProcessThermal Effects in GrindingCutting Fluids in GrindingGrinding-Wheel WearNonconventional Grinding OperationsProblemsReferencesMANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATIONIntroductionTypes of ProductionTypes of Facilities LayoutTypes of AutomationTransfer MachinesAutomatic MachinesNumerically Controlled (NC) Machine ToolsComparison of the Economics of Various Automation SystemsHandling of Components in Batch ProductionFlexible Manufacturing SystemsProblemsReferencesCOMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURINGIntroductionScope of CAD/CAMProcess-Planning TasksComputer-Aided Process PlanningProcessing of NC ProgramsComputer-Aided NC ProcessingNumerical Control Processing LanguagesNC Programming Using APT-Based LanguagesGraphics-Based NC Processing SystemsReferencesDESIGN FOR MACHININGIntroductionStandardizationChoice of Work MaterialShape of Work MaterialShape of ComponentAssembly of ComponentsAccuracy and Surface FinishSummary of Design GuidelinesCost Estimating for Machined ComponentsProblemsReferencesNONCONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSESIntroductionRange of Nonconventional Machining ProcessesUltrasonic MachiningWater-Jet MachiningAbrasive-Jet MachiningChemical MachiningElectrochemical MachiningElectrolytic GrindingElectrical-Discharge MachiningWire Electrical-Discharge MachiningLaser-Beam MachiningElectron-Beam MachiningPlasma-Arc CuttingComparative Performance of Cutting ProcessesProblemsReferencesNOMENCLATUREINDEX