Arjun Publishing House East India Company and Its Administration (1740-1806) by B R Verma and S R Bakshi
Main focus of this volume is on East India Company and three othernations competing for Indian trade, early settlements in India,Anglo-French wars. East India Company and its administration inindia, commencing with its commercial policy it began toparticipate actively in the political affairs of several Indainrulers. It covers period of Lord Clive, Warren Hastings, LordCornwallis, Lord Wellesley ect., Further it also covers Haidar Aliand his relations with the French. About Author : B.R. Verma a well read, widely travelled and strong believerof Marxist ideology was born in 1943 in "Jhand District" now inPakistan. He spent his youth living among contemporary marxistintellectuals. He choose publishing trade as profession thatmatched his state of mind. During course of time he establishedhimself as publisher. S.R. Bakshi is Ph.D; D.Litt. in Modern Indian History and isthe author of several works on Indian nationalism and freedommovement. He has long academic experience having deep links withAsia Foundation, Saugar University, Nehru Memorial Museum andLibrary and Indian Council of Historical Research. Contents : Preface European Commerce with India The Birth of the London East India Company The English, Dutch, and Portuguese in the East Early Settlements in India: The Company Under theStuarts,The Commonwealth, The Protectorate, and Restoration The New East India Company Anglo-French Wars Role of Clive Warren Hastings Warren Hastings: The Regulating Act and The Trail ofNandkumar Warren Hastings: Wars in Western and Southern India Chait Singh and The Begams of OUds: The Impeachment ofWarren Hastings Internal Reforms: The Great Land Settlement :Lord Cornwallisand Sir John Shore Expansion: Lord Wellesley: Subsidiary Alliances andAnnexations Lord Cornwallis Lord Wellesley Haider and The French Index