Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Drugs In Obstetrics And Gynecology by Ashok Kumar
• An official publication of Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC).
• Ready reference for students and practicing physicians.
• Includes description of commonly used drugs and drug therapy in obstetrics and gynecology practice.
• In the beginning of a chapter, common related drugs are given in a table for quick reference followed by other required details in the text.
• There are a total of 35 chapters, each one being concise enough to be read over a short time.
• Uniformity has been maintained throughout the book.
• Contains plenty of tables to deliver information in understandable and easy-to-remember format.
• A table has been provided on classification of commonly used antibiotics for choosing the right agent in different situations in chapter 3 ‘Antibiotic Classification’.
• The section on antimicrobials provides optimum choice of antibiotics in different clinical conditions.
• This book would serve its purpose and help practicing physicians as well as postgraduate students to practice rational drug therapy in their day-to-day practice.