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Digital Color: Acquisition, Perception, Coding And Rendering at Meripustak

Digital Color: Acquisition, Perception, Coding And Rendering by Christine Fernandez Maloigne and Frederique Robert Inacio and Ludovic Macaire, John Wiley

Books from same Author: Christine Fernandez Maloigne and Frederique Robert Inacio and Ludovic Macaire

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General Information  
Author(s)Christine Fernandez Maloigne and Frederique Robert Inacio and Ludovic Macaire
PublisherJohn Wiley
Publish YearApril 2012


John Wiley Digital Color: Acquisition, Perception, Coding And Rendering by Christine Fernandez Maloigne and Frederique Robert Inacio and Ludovic Macaire

In this book the authors identify the basic concepts and recentadvances in the acquisition, perception, coding and rendering ofcolor. The fundamental aspects related to the science ofcolorimetry in relation to physiology (the human visual system) areaddressed, as are constancy and color appearance. It also addressesthe more technical aspects related to sensors and the colormanagement screen. Particular attention is paid to the notion ofcolor rendering in computer graphics. Beyond color, the authorsalso look at coding, compression, protection and quality of colorimages and videos. Individual chapters focus on the LMS specification, colorconstancy, color appearance models, rendering in synthetic imagegeneration, image sensor technologies, image compression, andquality and secure color imaging. Ideal for researchers, engineers,Master s and PhD students, Digital Color: Acquisition,Perception, Encoding and Rendering offers a state of the art on allthe scientific and technical issues raised by the different stagesof the digital color process acquisition, analysis andprocessing.

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