Elsevier Health Sciences Core Curriculum for Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing 3e by AAOHN
A comprehensive overview of occupational and environmental health nursing this book is AAOHNs statement of the scope of practice for this nursing specialty. It represents the latest body of knowledge significant to this field. Written in an outline format it can be used as a textbook for an occupational and environmental health nursing course as a clinical reference in a variety of occupational settings and as a certification review tool. This new edition is based on recent revisions to the AAOHNs Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.Written by experts in the field of occupational health nursing. Consistent outline format allows ease of access to information. Addresses the foundational sciences of occupational health: epidemiology toxicology industrial hygiene ergonomics and injury prevention to provide a comprehensive basis of knowledge. Incorporates trends in the legal ethical economic political and business climates as they relate to occupational and environmental health and safety staying current with all areas that affect the occupational health nurses roles and responsibilities. New chapter on disaster planning and management addresses responsibilities of occupational health nurses in hazard situations in both the workplace and in the larger community. The latest government initiatives and guidelines are covered such as OSHAs Strategic Management Plan to reduce workplace fatalities injuries and illnesses plus other new workplace-related government programs and legislation. Revised competencies of practice with performance criteria present the current practice expectations at each level of practice. Revised Code of Ethics is a guide for nurses to maintain and pursue professionally recognized ethical behavior in providing occupational and environmental health services. Revised Standards of Practice define the practice of this specialty and provide a framework for evaluation. Expanded content in the environmental research and health promotion chapters highlights the latest information in these more