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College Algebra at Meripustak

College Algebra by Karen Schwitters and Jerome E Kaufmann , Cengage

Books from same Author: Karen Schwitters and Jerome E Kaufmann

Books from same Publisher: Cengage

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General Information  
Author(s)Karen Schwitters and Jerome E Kaufmann
Publish YearJanuary 2012


Cengage College Algebra by Karen Schwitters and Jerome E Kaufmann

Known for a clear and concise exposition, numerous examples, and plentiful problem sets, Jerome E. Kaufmann and Karen L. Schwitters's COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8E, International Edition is an easy-to-use book that focuses on building technique and helping students hone their problem-solving skills. The eighth edition focuses on solving equations, inequalities, and problems; and on developing graphing techniques and using the concept of a function. Updated with new application problems and examples throughout, the eighth edition is accompanied by a robust collection of teaching and learning resources, including Enhanced WebAssign(R), an easy-to-use online homework management system for both instructors and students.

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