SAGE PUBLISHING Child Health Psychology A Biopsychosocial Perspective by JULIE TURNER-COBB
Winner of the British Psychological Society Book Award 2017 - Textbook category_x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_"A long overdue prioritisation of child and adolescent health psychology... Taking an interdisciplinary stance to a textbook can be a difficult task. However, despite introducing a variety of concepts, this text is very accessible and a joy to read. A use of both old and new case studies and examples helps to chart the progress in the field... an excellent book for health psychology modules and postgraduate teaching."_x000D__x000D_- The Psychologist_x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_"This book is well evidenced, has a sound theoretical and scientific basis, and at the same time is insightful and readable - reflecting the author's enthusiasm for the topic. It will stimulate the reader to find out more about this fascinating area." _x000D__x000D_- Vivien Swanson, University of Stirling_x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_"Engagingly written in a style that draws the reader in, it covers all the bases and provides an excellent introduction to the area."_x000D__x000D_- Paul D. Bennett, Swansea University_x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_Child Health Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Perspective is the first sole-authored textbook dedicated to the topic of health psychology as it applies to children and adolescents, drawing on research from several related disciplines including psychoneuroimmunology and developmental psychobiology._x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_With an overarching biopsychosocial lifespan perspective, Turner-Cobb examines the effects of early life experience on health outcomes, as well as covering the experience of acute and chronic illness during childhood. Lots of helpful aids are provided per chapter including key learning objectives, textboxes putting spotlights on key pieces of research, lists of key concepts to revise, useful websites and further reading suggestions._x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_With a perspective designed to both inform and to challenge, this stimulating textbook will introduce you to the central relevance and many applications of child health psychology. It will be of interest to final year undergraduate and postgraduate students in health and clinical psychology, as well as to students in health sciences, nursing, and childhood studies._x000D_ _x000D_
Chapter 1: Introduction: What Is Child Health Psychology?_x000D_
Definition of child health psychology_x000D_
The psychosocial context of child health_x000D_
The deveopmental context of child health_x000D_
The mind-body link: from medieval to moder-day views_x000D_
The mind-body connection in modern times_x000D_
Health-related behaviour and social cognition models_x000D_
The changing face of health threats_x000D_
Communicating health_x000D_
Chapter 2: Defining Health, Illness and Well-Being_x000D_
Definitions of health and illness_x000D_
Stress and coping: chronic versus acute stress_x000D_
The relevance of cognitive and social development in health and illness_x000D_
How can psychosocial factors influence physical health?_x000D_
Biological responses to stress_x000D_
How can the immune system be influenced by HPA axis regulation?_x000D_
Psychobiological theories of stress and coping_x000D_
Resiliency factors and individual differences_x000D_
Chapter 3: Research Methods and Ethical Issues_x000D_
Measurement of psychosocial factors_x000D_
Mixed methods_x000D_
Psychobiological research methods_x000D_
Immune markers of stress_x000D_
Neurotransmitter and endocrine markers of stress_x000D_
Measuring health outcome in children_x000D_
The laboratory/experimental research setting_x000D_
Naturalistic settings and field research_x000D_
Ethical issues and communication in health research with children_x000D_
Chapter 4: The Influence of Prenatal Exposure to Stress_x000D_
Terms, definitions and developmental periods in pregnancy_x000D_
The normal basal maternal endocrine environment during pregnancy_x000D_
The stress response during pregnancy_x000D_
Effects of prenatal stress on the fetus in utero_x000D_
Effects of prenatal stres on birth outcome_x000D_
Effects of prenatal stress on infant and child development_x000D_
Prenatal stress effects in the adolescent years and into adulthood_x000D_
Interventions to reduce prenatal stress and subsequent effects_x000D_
The maternal perspective and a link to immune effects_x000D_
Chapter 5: The Experience of Stress During Childhood_x000D_
The Experience of Stress in Healthy Children_x000D_
The Contributions of Temperament, Individual Difference and quality of childcare_x000D_
Effects of severe or toxic stress, including post-traumatic stress disorder_x000D_
Family Environment and Intergenerational Transmission of Stress_x000D_
Health in adulthood and across the lifespan_x000D_
Communicating stress_x000D_
The longer-term outlook and opportunities for intervention_x000D_
PART TWO: The Experience of Acute and Chronic Illness During Childhood_x000D_
Chapter 6: The Experience of Acute Illness in Childhood_x000D_
Defining acute illness_x000D_
The relevance of illness cognitions in acute childhood illness_x000D_
Coping with acute illness in childhood_x000D_
Medical procedures and hospitalization in acute childhood illness_x000D_
Chapter 7: The Experience of Chronic Illness in Childhood_x000D_
Defining chronic illness_x000D_
The prevalence of chronic illness_x000D_
The impact of chronic illness: the stress context_x000D_
The relevance of illness cognitions in chronic childhood illness_x000D_
Coping and adaptation in chronic childhood illness_x000D_
Parental coping in chronic childhood illness_x000D_
Interventions in chronic childhood illness_x000D_
Medical procedures and hospitalization in chronic childhood illness_x000D_
Chapter 8: Terminal Illness and Survivorship Issues_x000D_
Childhood palliative care and terminal illness_x000D_
The Challenge of Surviving Childhood Illness_x000D_
Physical, medical or late effects in the survival of childhood illness_x000D_
The psychosocial experience in the survival of childhood illness_x000D_
Psychosocial interventions for survivors of childhood cancer_x000D_
Implications for the life-course perspective_x000D_
Chapter 9: The Experience of Pain in Childhood_x000D_
The biopsychosocial approach to the experience of pain_x000D_
The pain experience in children and analgesic management of pain_x000D_
The prevalence of pain and disability in children_x000D_
Cognitive, behavioural and emotional factors in coping with pain_x000D_
The role of early life pain experience on subsequent pain_x000D_
Psychosocial interventions in acute and chronic pain_x000D_
Chapter 10: The Experience of Parental Illness and Death_x000D_
The child as carer_x000D_
Coping and adjustment: the impact of caregiving on the young carer_x000D_
Interventions to lessen the negative impacts on young carers_x000D_
Dealing with issues of death and dying_x000D_
Bereavement services for children_x000D_
Chapter 11: Summary and the Way Ahead_x000D_
Summary of Health Risks and Resiliency Factors_x000D_
Promoting and Maintaining Health_x000D_
Psychosocial factors and issues in child health not mentioned_x000D_
The role of health psychology in future child health_x000D_