Ess Ess Pubns Cataloguing Of Non-Print Resources A Practical Manual by SANGHAMITRA PRADHAN
In libraries and information centres of today an increasing use of non-print resources requires standardized cataloguing of these materials so as to achieve uniformity in meta-data sharing and exchange of bibliographic records. This practical manual is developed with the objective to teach LIS students cataloguing practices as per the prescribed standards which can be useful for both manual and automated library systems. It is a complete guide to help in preparing cataloguing records for various non-prints resources such as audio-visual materials, microforms, electronic resources, etc. according to the Anglo American Cataloguing Rules-II. One chapter is devoted to cataloguing of each of these non-print resources. It critically examines the bibliographic elements, access points, and subject headings required to prepare a cataloguing record as per AACR II. With the help of various illustrative examples the book tries to simplify the implementation of AACR II rules in preparing entries. Further an understanding of MARC21 record, tags, indicators, field and sub-field codes is also provided to work in an automated system.