Taylor & Francis Basic Statistics And Pharmaceutical Statistical Applications 2Nd Edition 2006 by James E. De Muth
The first edition of Basic Statistics and Pharmaceutical Statistical Applications successfully provided a practical, easy-to-read, basic statistics book. This second edition not only updates the previous edition, but expands coverage in the area of biostatistics and how it relates to real-world professional practice. Taking you on a roller coaster ride through the world of statistics, Dr. De Muth clearly details the methodology necessary to summarize data and make informed decisions about observed outcomes.What's new or different in the Second Edition?New chapters coverMeasures of association primarily with nominal and ordinal data and and more than 15 testsSurvival statistics including actuarial analysis and an introduction to multiple regression with survival data using proportional hazards regressionAn introduction to the topic of evidence-based practice with discussions of sensitivity and specificity, predictive values, and likelihood ratiosOdds ratios and relative risk ratios that provide valuable information for dealing with probability, odds, and riskNew sections addressPower and sample size determination for two-sample Z-tests of proportionsClinical equivalence and noninferiority studies, process capability, and tolerance limitsMethods for assessing repeatability and reproducibilityExpanded information includesChi square, repeated measures designs, Latin Square designs, nine multiple comparison tests, and outlier testingInverse prediction with linear regression, handling of multiple data points at different levels of independent variable, and assessment of parallelism of slopes for two samplesAdditional types of bivariate correlations and various assessments for independence and randomnessMore nonparametric tests including new information on post hoc comparisons for a significant Kruskal-Wallis test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test, and the Anderson-Darling test, as well as runs and range testsEight new tables useful for the interpretation of some of the new inferential statisticsDe Muth provides concrete examples that enable you to effectively manage information in your day-to-day problem solving and reporting of findings. By avoiding heavy-duty mathematics and theory, even the mathematically challenged can benefit and increase their confidence in using statistics procedures.