Asian Educational Services Asiatic Mythology A Detailed Description and Explanation of the Mythologies of All the Great Nations of Asia by J Hackin and Clement Huart and Raymonde Linossier
This large book contains a detailed description and explanation of the mythologies of practically all regions of Asia with scholars like J.Hackin, Clement Huart, Raymonde Linossier, H. de Wilman Grabowska, Charles-Henri Marchal, Henri Maspero and Serge Eliseev, this book is a wonderful read for anybody who is or is not acquainted with the various mythologies. The mythologies that are discussed are that of Persia (Parsi mythology), Kafirs (a non muslim sect of Afghanistan), Buddhism in India, Brahmanic Mythology, Lamaism, Mythology of Indo-China and Java, Mythology of modern China and the mythology of Japan. The book has 15 plates and 354 other illustration in the text.