Khanna Publishing House An Integrated Approach To Computer Networks 1St Edition 2019 by Bhavneet Sidhu
Computer networks have become essential part of modern computing. As a designer, developer, programmer, or user it is absolutely necessary to have a good understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in these modern networking technologies, This book treats the Network as a system composed of inter related building blocks, giving students and professionals the best possible conceptual foundation for better understanding of current networking technologies as well as the further technologies of the industries.Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer NetworksChapter 2: Network TopologiesChapter 3: Reference Models-OSI and TCP/IPChapter 4:Transmission MediaChapter 5: Electromagnetic Signals and ModulationChapter 6: Switching PrinciplesChapter 7: Multiplexing TechniquesChapter 8: Telephone System and ISDN ServicesChapter 9: Data Link LayerChapter 10: Multiple Access ProtocolsChapter 11: Introduction to LAN and MAN ProtocolsChapter 12: Network LayerChapter 13: Internetworking DevicesChapter 14: Transport LayerChapter 15: Session and Presentation LayerChapter 16: Application LayerChapter 17: Network SecurityChapter 18: Some Network Standards