Elsevier Health Sciences Active Management of Labour 4e by K. ODriscoll D. Meagher Michael Robson
This manual encompasses a comprehensive approach to the management of labour. Based on the simple proposition that effective uterine action is the key to normal delivery Active Management of Labour covers all aspects of delivery for nulliparous women with vertex presentation and single foetus.This is an accessible and practical guide for obstericians and midwives as well as anaesthetists and the auxiliary staff of maternity units.Encourages an active interest in labour by all professional staffEmphasises the importance of constant personal attention and good communication in labourDiscusses in detail the need to distinguish between: - first and subsequent births - single cephalic and all other pregnancies - induction and acceleration of labourFosters the development of a teamspirit between midwife and obstetricianDemonstrates how good labour ward organisation can improve careProves the importance of audit in ensuring quality of careUpdated chapters on dystocia and caesarean sectionNew key points summary at the end of each chapterUpdated review of clinical outcomes at the National Maternity Hospitalshow more