McGraw Hill Advertising Mgmt by MOHAN
This is a comprehensive book presenting an integrated approach to concepts and cases in advertising. The book examines every aspect of advertising and sales promotion - an area of marketing, which is becoming increasingly important in a firm`S total promotion mix. The book takes a close look at the economic and social implications of advertising planning, budgeting, effectiveness, industrial and institutional advertising and the future of advertising in India and other developing nations. An important feature of the book is the inclusion of outstanding cases, such as the Cancer Check Case, L & T Fuse Switch Advertising Case, and the Amul Extension Services Case. The book would be very useful for postgraduate students of management and for students doing their diploma in advertising and marketing. Advertising professionals would also find this book a valuable reference source.
Key Features:-
- Exemplification of the various advertising management principles by quoting a number of outstanding
- The book has a wide coverage ranging from advertising in the socio-economic and cultural context, it