Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers A Short Textbook Of Psychiatry, 7Th Edition by Niraj Ahuja
Table of Content: Diagnosis and Classi? cation in Psychiatry, Psychiatric History and Examination, Organic (Including Symptomatic) Mental Disorders, Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders, Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, Other Psychotic Disorders, Neurotic, Stress-related and Somatoform Disorders, Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour, Sexual Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Behavioural Syndromes Associated with Psychological Disturbances and Physiological Factors, Mental Retardation, Child Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology, Other Biological Methods of Treatment, Psychoanalysis, Psychological Treatments, Emergency Psychiatry, Legal and Ethical Issues in Psychiatry, Community Psychiatry, etc