Bloomsbury India A Practical Guide To Ind As 115 And Ind As 116 by CA Santosh Maller
About the book
This book covers the provisions of Ind AS 115 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers, corresponding to IFRS 15, notified by the MCA vide notification dated 28 March 2018, w.e.f 1 April 2018) and Ind AS 116 (Leases, corresponding to IFRS 16, notified by the MCA vide notification dated 30 March 2019, w.e.f 1 April 2019).
The book contains 56 chapters comprehensively covering convergence strategy in details with practical examples, sector-wise analysis, comparison with IFRS, US GAAP and Indian GAAP, specially covering the requirements of Ind AS 115 and Ind AS 116, with examples, comparisons with current Ind AS requirements and international perspectives, covering financial statements of early adopters of IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 while taking a closer look at the disclosure requirements.
The book is a very useful guide for accounting and auditing professionals, practitioners, corporates and students studying for professional body qualifications.
Key features
• Contains about 300 worked examples covering various practical aspects of Ind AS 115 and Ind AS 116
• Contains simple explanations of the requirements of the new standards with author views, lucid examples, diagrammatic illustrations, case studies and disclosure checklists
• Covers relevant extracts from real-life international companies having early adopted IFRS 15 and IFRS 16
• Detailed sector-wise analysis of the impact of Ind AS 115 and Ind AS 116
• Comparison of Ind AS requirements with IFRS, US GAAP and Indian GAAP
• Discussion on tax implications under Ind AS 115 and 116
About the author
CA Santosh Maller
The author is an Associate Chartered Accountant, having secured rank in CA exams, with about 16 years of extensive experience in Accounting, Audit and Assurance fields. He has worked with several diverse companies, Indian and multinational companies, on IFRS and Ind AS GAAP conversion engagements, in India and overseas, in manufacturing, telecom, real estate, shipping and logistics.He has been a member of IFRS desk/accounting technical professional practice group of a big audit firm for over 8 years. He has had a stint in London, during which he was closely associated with the IFRS standard-setting projects of the International Accounting Standards Board, such as, revenue, leases and financial instruments.
The author has been serving as a special invitee for Ind-AS on the ICAI’s, Accounting Standards Board and has been part of many study groups of the ICAI. He has authored several media articles on Accounting and Valuation and has been an eminent speaker and technical trainer on financial reporting and corporate governance. The author has also authored several other books on Ind AS and taxation.